Paula Modersohn-Becker

Paula Modersohn-Becker


Paula Modersohn-Becker (1876-1907) is best known as one of first women to paint female nudes.   A German painter and very important early expressionist, She is credited for the introduction of modern painting and used tempera almost exclusively.

In a brief career, cut short by an embolism at the age of 31, she created a number of groundbreaking images of great intensity. She is becoming recognized as the first female painter to paint female nudes. Using bold forays into subject matter and chromatic color choices, she and fellow-artists Picasso and Matisse introduced the world to modernism at the start of the twentieth century.

Self Portrait Paula Modersohn-Becker
Self Portrait Paula Modersohn-Becker

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Marie Laurencin: Enchanting Poses

Marie Laurencin, Enchanting Poses


Marie Laurencin 1883-1956 Paris


Marie began her art career studying porcelain painting in Sevres, then went to Academie Humbert, where she became a painter.  She exhibited at the Salon des Independents and the Salon d’ Automne in the early 1910’s.  In the 1920’s she was an important member of the avant guarde.  Picasso was among her cohorts.  She was a known bi-sexual, thus perhaps explaining some of her choices for subjects.  She married a German, Baron Otto von Waëtjen, and lived in Spain with him during WW1.  They divorced after the war.  She was successful selling her art in the 20’s but the depression hit her business hard.  In the 30’s she taught art.

Some o her  paintings have an ethereal quality.  The pastel like presentation as seen in this example is typical of this style, as is the subject matter, beautiful young girls in leisure.

Marie Laurencin
Marie Laurencin, enchanting painter  


She also painted in the Cubist style, and was also friends with Braque.  Many of her works are now at a museum dedicated to her in Nagano Prefecture, Japan


Pablo Picasso by Laurencin
Pablo Picasso by Laurencin




Spanish Dancers, Laurencin
Spanish Dancers, Laurencin

Drawings from Graz

Cafe in Schlossburg Park

Drawings from Graz

Here are the pen and ink drawings I did on location in Graz, Austria, early June through early July 2016

Woman Sitting at Table
Woman Sitting at Table

This was done at the Kunstmuseum (above).  The following several drawings were done at the Schlossberg Park near where we stayed:


Cafe in Schlossburg Park
Cafe in Schlossburg Park

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Video: Paintings and Drawings Done at Palau de la Musica

Singer Sax Drummer detail 2

The paintings and drawings in this video slide show were done at Palau de la Musica, Valencia.  They explore the state of mind we experience as music transports us to a semi dream-like state.  The paintings and drawings in this video slide show were done at Palau de la Musica, Valencia.  They explore the state of mind we experience as music transports us to a semi dream-like state.  The music is Arco de Noe by Oscar Navarro, a Valencian composer.  He was in the audience the day we heard this piece.

Natalia Gontcharova

Picking Apples

Born in 1881 in Nagaevo, Russia, Natalia Sergeevna Goncharova, the daughter of Sergei,  an architect.  She moved to Moscow in 1892, and graduated from the Fourth Women’s Gymnasium in 1898.    In 1901 she enrolled in the Moscow Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture to study sculpture, and in 1903 she began exhibiting in important venues.  Goncharova then met Mikhail Larionov, also a student; shortly they began to live and work together.  She switched to painting in 1904, drawing on Russian folk art and icons and with Mikhail created Rayonism, a style influenced by technology and modernity,  with strong rays of contrasting colors.

Gontcharova: Foret Blu Vert
Foret Blu Vert.  Example of Rayonism

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Palau de la Musica Small Stage

Another in the series of paintings based on drawings done at the Palau de la Musica in Valencia, Spain.  The audience waits expectantly as the musicians arrive.  Valencia has a long and powerful tradition of symphonic bands and offer many free concerts each year.  This is a smaller hall and here you can listen to more traditional music.



Palau de la Musica Small Stage 18 x 24
Palau de la Musica Small Stage 21″ x 26″, 52 cm x 66cm

Palau de la Musica Small Stage, detail


Palau de la Musica Small Stage, from a drawing made at the Palau in Valencia, Spain
Palau de la Musica Small Stage, detail

Palau de la Musica Small Stage detail
Palau de la Musica Small Stage, detail

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