Comments on my work


“I absolutely love this painting!  First thing I see on FB this morning. It’s a good start, almost made me forget I hurt. “
“…It draws one in, wanting to feel the sun while sitting on the bench.”
“This is an ambitious piece and the composition works very well.
“This is one of my favorite drawings that you have done.
“A must see when I return!”
“I really get a sense of the movement!
“I absolutely am in love with this one!!
“Awesome work!”
“I love this watercolor. Of all the ones that you have sent me this is my favorite. Keep up the great work.”
“Cool… in the spirit of Escher”
“Los preciosos dibujos de Gary en el Palau de la Música , tienen su ritmo en el trazado , su equilibrio en composición de pequeño formato…”
(Gary’s wonderful drawings from the Palau de la Musica have a rhythm and balance in a small format.”)
‘Very much like. Yet another style and set o’ colors!”
“I love the feeling and the colors. I love seeing the evolution in your work.”
“Gary’s version of Klimt’s The Kiss. Love it”
“I too see Klimt but also a bit of Picasso’s Blue Nude only less blue and less lonely. Whatever your intent was Gary, all I can say is BRAVO!”
“Nice strong line work in the charcoal portrait!”
“Oh oh oH OH!!”
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