We put together videos, photos and drawings to bring you with us as we traveled from the Belgian/French border to Strasbourg.
Gary Kirkpatrick
Fallas 2025 begins!
Learn about the annual https://garyjkirkpatrick.com/the-fallas/
Ballerina: Vencerem (We shall overcome)
Ballerina: Vencerem (We shall overcome) was produced for the 13th annual Art al Career (Street Art) fair in Picanya, Spain. It is organized by the Dones de Picanya (Women of Picanya in Valencian) . Picanya suffered significant losses in the floods in October 2025. There is still much work needed there: houses, bridges, businesses and much more. The metro is still not working.
This painting is about the overcoming the obstacles on the path to recovery, symbolized by her dancing on the fender of a wrecked car. The lettering in the painting is actually straight. Getting a perfect photo was not possible in my studio.
Futbol (soccer) players in ink, male figure drawing and portrait
I saw this image in a Spanish newspaper and took a photo. I used a permanent marker
These are done with a non-permanent pilot V Ball pen and a brush with an integrated water reservoir. Pen in right hand and brush in left so I do not switch hands. I may have then used Tinta China (Chinese ink) to enhance the dark areas.
Discover Olite’s Gothic Castle: A Hidden Gem in Spain
Surely there is no king with a more beautiful castle or palace and with so many gilded rooms (…) …how magnificent and sumptuous is this palace. — 15th-century German diary (British Museum)
Olite is a town of 4,000 in the Spanish Province of Navarre. The Royal Palace located there is a beautiful example of French castle design. French, you say? Indeed. King Charles III built the Royal Palace in the 15th century, taking builders with him on a tour of French castles before starting the project. The result is an extravagant Gothic castle. I counted four slate covered pointed roofs typical of French castles. The towers, galleries, gardens and patios were luxuriously decorated, but little remains of the furnishings. Nonetheless it is a joy to imagine what it was like back then, until your legs had climbed the 6 or more tightly circular staircase stories up from ground level. A lovely view of the surrounding countryside makes it worthwhile.
The castle became a residence of Henri of Navarre (1553-1610), who ruled as Henri IV of France from 1589-1610 and King of Navarre (as Henry III) from 1572. He was the first King of France from the House of Bourbon, a branch of the Capetians. The Capetians ruled from the late 10th century until 1792. He was Protestant, and is famous for saying “Paris is worth a mass” to become King of France. The current King of Spain is a Bourbon, from which comes the name for the famous Kentucky distillate.
After the invasion of Navarre in 1512 the palace was only used as an occasional residence by the Viceroys. It was set afire during the Spanish War of Independence in 1813 to stop Napoleon’s troops from occupying it.
There is a second castle on the site, called the Old Palace. It is much smaller and is now a Parador, a government-owned chain of luxury hotels located in buildings of architectural and historic importance but no longer in official use. The Old Palace dates to the 13th century. Only the outer walls and towers remain. It is now under renovation.
“Apparently, it (the Old Palace) held originally a more military purpose and only served as temporary residence for Theobald II in the last year of his life and his brother-cum-successor Henry I during his short reign (1270 – 1274) before the Gothic styled structure came to house the Naverrese Court late in the century.” https://breakingthruhistory.wordpress.com/2024/07/17/the-royal-palace-of-olite-navarre-spain/. Construction of its successor, the Royal Palace, began in 1406 according to other sources.
The Old Palace (Palacio Viejo) sits atop an ancient Roman fortification. It was constructed in the reign of Sancho VII of Navarre ‘the Strong’ (r. 1194 – 1234). It was enlarged by his successors Theobald I (r. 1234 – 1253) and Theobald II (r. 1253 – 1270).
A few notes on the cuisine
Each region of Spain has its own take on the cuisine. The one restaurant in which we dined featured a grilled trout with a full slice of Serrano type ham inside. This is probably the only place in the world that would think to add pork to fish. It was good but not outstanding. Another dish was superb – Alubias pochas con chorizo. Alubias are white beans, but in the local dialect they are called ‘pochas.’ It had a deep, rich flavor from the bits of chorizo and the stock. The Spanish are known for bean dishes and this was a great example. In the evening we went out for tapas and a beverage. I tried some sort of puff pastry with various fillings, sweet or savory, tasty and moist, going well with the local wine. I had the same pastry for breakfast the next morning. And there is, among other offerings, something called a Torta Ttxantxigorri, made with “chicharrones de cerdo,” pig skin, sugar and cinnamon.
Olite is not far from Teruel, known for its dry cured hams, commonly referred to as Serrano ham. It is in the same family as the Italian prosciutto crudo, literally raw ham to distinguish it from prosciutto cotto, cooked ham, and the French jambon cru, also literally raw ham but also dry cured. The best known Italian version is Parma ham, made in, you guessed it, Parma, the same area that brings us parmigiano the cheese and things like eggplant parmesan (melanzane parmigiano). The Spanish jamon is generally cured for longer periods than others, up to 18 months.
We drove south to visit a monastary on the way back to Valencia. There was a black and white hooded monk standing at the door of the Monasterio de Santa Maria Real de la Oliva as we drove up. He was gone a moment later. For a moment I thought I was having a Padre Pio moment. Il Padre was known for being in two places at once, or rather for people thinking so. However this monk had merely gone inside, awaiting us at the counter. He was happy to chat, in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and the mysterious Basque. And some African language, as he’d been assigned to some post in Angola at one time. At age 95 and going strong. he was just one of about nine Cistercian monks in the monastery that once probably held over a hundred. The ones that remained were all approaching the century mark, except for the part time visiting monks. The cells once reserved for prayer are now available for those wishing a quiet getaway.
The monastery’s large church is part Romanesque and part Gothic, reflecting its early origins and the influence of French architecture even then. You can see the Gothic design in the tracery of the cloisters.
We stopped back in the shop to buy some wine from the friendly old monk, and while there considered some of the cheese. We passed on the latter. A few days later tried the wine. It’s a bit thin on the viscosity as well as nose and tongue, but drinkable enough, just not worth the price given how much good wine you can get here for three or four euros.
Castle at Vic sur Aisne, pen and ink drawing
We came here on our boat last summer. The locals refer to it as Donjon de Vic-sur-Aisne. The first castle was built in the 8th century. It was part of the defense that stopped the Normans in the 9th century. The keep was built in stone in the 12th century to a height of 25 meters with walls two meters thick. The castle was badly damaged, the battlements and parapets dismantled and the towers destroyed. An abbot rebuilt in the 17th century, adding a chateau with a mansard roof adjacent. The castle was French headquarters in WWI. The front was just a few kilometers.
Here is my post from our visit https://garyjkirkpatrick.com/lots-of-locks-but-no-bagels/
The Royal Palace of Olite – 3 drawings
Ballerinas, three watercolor paintings (version 2)
Studies for a larger painting. Images updated. Abstract
Two Chillin’ (watercolor)
Part of a new series of brightly colored paintings based on models
Royal Monastery of Santa Maria in El Puig and the legend of Valencia’s bat
With the renewal of the €10 unlimited regional travel pass we’re again visiting the smaller towns near Valencia. Puig (officially El Puig de Santa Maria) is just 14k and less than 30 minutes away. The train wasn’t crowded on the way there, though bursting at the seams on the way back as people were joining the King’s Day festivities in Valencia.
Walking to the center of Puig from the metro stop we passed a field of recently harvested persimmons, those left unharvested sitting bright orange in the sun to tempt the passers-by. In town’s center children lined up for face painting, balloon making and such, part of the festivities associated with King’s Day, January 6, when the “kings” appeared with gifts for the newborn Jesus. The actual ranks, names, origins, appearances, and exact number are unmentioned, all these coming later on as traditions and not as history. The Kings story is only found in the Gospel According to “Mathew” (we don’t know who actually wrote any of the Gospels). The bakeries all around Spain are undeterred by any of this, happily selling round King cakes for the January 6 event, much like the ones sold in New Orleans, in case you’ve ever had one there.
Entry to the Monastery is a mere €4, which includes the obligatory guided tour. They throw in the puffingly steep climb to the museum entry. Our Spanish only guide spoke quickly, her voice often reverberating heavily off the stone and plaster walls. You have to stand in front of her to have much hope of understanding. She turns to explain the various features of the many rooms so you have to keep up. I stopped trying to do so after a while, thinking she’d found my tracking her to be odd.
She begin In 1237 when Jaume I (Jaime in Spanish, James in English) ordered the construction of a church on a hill in el Puig. A priest named Peter Nolasco (Peter is the Valenciano, Pedro the Spanish) found a Byzantine icon of what came to be called Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles, by no means the only image carrying this name. Jaume already had a castle on a nearby and taller hill – you can explore the ruins easily. The work on the church was finished in 1240 and turned over to the Ordo Beatae Mariae de Mercede Redemptionis Captivorum, the Mercedarians, an order established in 1218 by the very same priest in Barcelona. Makes me wonder how he “found” this icon.
Pilgrims flocked to the site to see Nuestra Señora, believing the discovery to have been miraculous. To better handle the crowds workers began to build the present Gothic church in 1300. In 1588 they built the massive monastery in which there are cloisters, the Salón Real, the Salon Gotico of Jaume I, and the Salón of Ceramics. The architect was one Antón Dexado de la Cossa.
The monastery they built has a fortress-like rectangular stone exterior. It looks to be some six stories high with four imposing towers. The interior is richly appointed everywhere you look. You’d think that given its size they would have run out of decor but in those days gold was flowing into Spain from the “New” World (not new at all to the inhabitants, of course) and there were lots of artisans. The building has served many purposes, one of them was for printing, and there is a museum dedicated to this.
There are two cloisters. In one you see the Gothic Hall and the Printing Museum. There are numerous paintings by José Vergara (1726-1799). In the second cloister there are many paintings as well, and the Salón Real (Royal Hall), the Hall of the Order of the Knights of el Puig along with the Gothic church. The expertly painted dome is behind the main chapel. The materials and workmanship everywhere are stupendous. See https://www.spain.info/en/places-of-interest/royal-monastery-puig-santa-maria
From El Puig’s castle Jaime I launched his assault on Valencia, then held by the Moors, the Arabic conquerors who invaded Spain in 711 CE. The Moors were preparing a surprise attack on the castle in Puig. Legend has it that Jaime was awoken by the beating wings of a bat, allowing him to thwart the enemy. He added the bat with open wings to the coat of arms of Valencia, where it remains to this day. See https://valencia-unravelled.com/history/a-story-of-bats-and-dragons/
Below the monastery there is a bomb shelter, built during the Spanish Civil War. On the hill with the castle there are defensive trenches dug by the Republicans during that period.
The Monastery’s official website is https://www.monasteriodelpuig.org/en/