The figure gazes out the window as she projects alternative futures, thus Lonely Woman singular. It is inspired by the work of Edward Hopper and ‘Morning LIght’ an impressionist painting.
Edward hopper
At a Restaurant, painting (ode to Hopper)
This is another in my series of paintings inspired by Edward Hopper. This is based on In a New York restaurant. While the general design is Hopper’s, there are many variation of the design and changes to the characters in the set, in addition to a much different painting style and technique. For example, with regard to the characters, the central figure’s face is fully exposed and is an auto retrato. The cloaked figure’s face is showing. There are three red headed figures and a figure behind the revolving door.
Click to see the other paintings in this series.
Lonely Woman
This is another in my series of Hopperesque paintings. Hopper painted lonely scenes, even when there were multiple figures as there are here, much the same but seemingly unawares. Based on a scene I came across in Ghent, Belgium last summer, as I stood in a museum looking out the window.
Looking Out
Another in my series of Hopper inspired paintings, a woman looks out over a golden field with a thick green forest at its edge. Figures walk in a line towards the dark woods.
On the Train
Inspired by a work by Edward Hopper, this celebrates train travel in older times
Croquis Cafe
Croquis Cafe is an ode to Edward Hopper’s Sunlight In a Cafeteria. Strong lines are offset by soft figures. Unlike the loneliness of a Hopper scene, here we have activity and movement in an art cafe. “Croquis” is the French for sketch.
In a Hopper Cafe

“In A Hopper Cafe” is another in the series echoing the work of American artists Edward Hopper, this one inspired by Hopper’s ‘Chop Suey. Strong lines contrast with fuzziness in the figures, hard lines with soft, outdoors with the indoors, the comparative focus of the indoor scene with the uncertainty of whatever lies beyond with but a slim barrier of safety.
We are social creatures. Our connections keep us informed. Yet we are also separate. We have to reach across space as well as other barriers, whether the barriers be based in culture, gender or other factors.
Peggys in A Lonely Room
Inspired by Edward Hopper’s Conference at Night, 1949. Strong contrasts, the powerful light of the window, two shimmering figures replace the dialogue of Conference. Out of focus, fuzzy dresses, perhaps made of fuzzy fabric, envelop the figures in a warmth protective against the rooms colder hues representing the starkness and loneliness of modern urban life. SOLD
Peg Visits the Nighthawk Bar
Based on Hopper’s “Nighthawk,” I put stylized versions of Peg in the bar.