From a drawing made at the Palau de la Musica
Palau de la Musica
Prints of pen and ink music related drawings
I did these pen and ink drawings in the audience at Palau de la Musica in Valencia, Spain. The originals are done on very small paper in pen and ink. I use both hands, one for the ink pen and the other a brush with a water reservoir. I call it automatic drawing since I can not see what I am doing, between looking at the subject and the darkness of the hall. I can not work from photographs as photos are not permitted. Pricing information at the bottom.
Comments from my Facebook timeline:
To Order
Contact me with the name of drawing using email, by phone (US) +1 570 832 4480 or Spain +34 658 744 302. $35/35 Euros for 8.5″ x 11″ (approx) / 21 x 30 cm $25 for 11.5″ x 17″ (approx) / 30 x 42 cm. Giclee prints ($60/60 euros for 12″ x 16″ / 30 x 40cm).
Five Players

The music series continues. Five semi-realistic female figures will pale to blue-white skin perform. Four instruments are visible. One stairs straight ahead, eyes misaligned,another has eyes that are mere slits, two are in profile, three straight on, one wears what appears to be a glove, legs mingle, some disappear, arms there and not there.
Xylophone Player at the Palau
Xylophone player at the Palau de la Musica, Valencia, Spain. Fun house floor suggests a departure from every day reality, meeting with the muse, traveling to the realm of creativity.
Comments from my Facebook timeline July 24, 2016
Marti: Loved it Gary!
Sandra: This is fabulous Gary!
Carol: I love the energy.
Patricia: The combination treatments of floor patterns are interesting
June 2016 pen and ink drawings from the Palau de la Musica
Palau de la Musica Small Stage
Another in the series of paintings based on drawings done at the Palau de la Musica in Valencia, Spain. The audience waits expectantly as the musicians arrive. Valencia has a long and powerful tradition of symphonic bands and offer many free concerts each year. This is a smaller hall and here you can listen to more traditional music.
Two Brown Bass Fiddles at the Palau
Two Brown Bass Fiddles at the Palau
This started life as a drawing at Palau de la Musica. I enlarged the original, a tiny 2 x 4″ and put it on the canvas board, then painted in with acrylics. See also Two Fiddles at the Palau, a version of this based on the very same drawing.
Fantasy Quartet
Fantasy Quartet
This is the second fantasy based on the “automatic” drawing you can see below. Where do our thoughts go as we become absorbed in the music? The swathes of color symbolize the vast space into which the musicians and audience project their dreamy thoughts.
Singer, Drummer, Sax, Clarinets, Singers
From my music series, Singer Sax Drummer is based on a drawing done at the Palau de la Musica in Valencia. I have included the drawing below. It is done in acrylics. There are two distinct planes. You see two instrument playing muses, one kicking her leg up. This painting is a fusion of automatic drawing and an abstract background with bright and strong colors.