Crowd Scene at San Giovanni

We were walking near San Giovanni in Laterano when we ran across this scene.  San Giovanni is one of four churches in Rome.  It dates from the 4th century although it is much renovated.   The main doors come from the Roman senate in the forum.  The Pope opens them during Jubilee celebrations.  We were there when Pope John did so in 2000.  Across the street is a set of steps supposedly used by Jesus when he was questioned by Pontius Pilot.


Crowd Scene at San Giovanni, watercolor, 30 x 40 cm, 11.25 x 16.5″

Palau de la Musica Round Stage, acrylics on canvas

This takes place in the music hall in the lower level of the Palau de la Musica, in Valencia, Spain.  It is one of only three remaining in a large series of paintings.  They originate with miniature pen and ink drawings done in the audience at the Palau.  They explore the state of mind we experience when we listen to music, in this case that of symphonic bands.  There is a dream like state some experience where we are in between a zone. 

palau round stage 2 small


Peggys in A Lonely Room

Inspired by Edward Hopper’s Conference at Night, 1949. Strong contrasts, the powerful light of the window, two shimmering figures replace the dialogue of Conference. Out of focus, fuzzy dresses, perhaps made of fuzzy fabric, envelop the figures in a warmth protective against the rooms colder hues representing the starkness and loneliness of modern urban life.  SOLD

peg in a hopper room hopper confeerence at night
Peggys in A Lonely Room, acrylics on paper, 11.516.5′, 3042 cm SOLD
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