Not even that Louse

not a creature is stirring sm

All print prices below are for the size indicated. Other sizes upon request.

High quality prints $35.00, A3 30 x 42 cm/12″ x 16.5″

[wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Not even that Louse regular print” amount=”35.00″]

Best quality glicee print signed 1 of 50, A3 30 x 42 cm/12″ x 16.5″

[wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Not even that Louse glicee print” amount=”60.00″]

I’m In No Rush to Declare a National Emergency

“I’m In No Rush to Declare a National Emergency”  – Trump   

Need I say more?


All prints are on 12 x 16″/30 x 40 cm, high quality paper

High quality prints $35.00

[wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”National Emergency regular print” amount=”35.00″]

Best quality glicee print signed 1 of 50

[wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”National Emergency glicee print” amount=”60.00″]

Doing Time: Cohen Joins the Cell

Doing Time: Cohen Joins the Cell, prints

Doing Time: Cohen Joins the Cell

Trump’s personal lawyer representing him on the Stormy Daniels affair (see Stormy- Whack! ) is under investigation for bank fraud and campaign finance law violations.  His offices, house and hotel room were raided by the FBI on April 9, 2018, an extraordinary step not only because lawyer’s records are confidential unless they involve participation in criminal activities, but because he is Trump’s long time lawyer.

Doing Time: Cohen Joins the Cell, prints

Digital painting

Trumpcissus — on Time Magazine Cover

Trumpcissus (Trump on Time Magazine Cover), prints only, original painting cut into Time cover

Trumpcissus on Time Magazine Cover

Caravaggio’s Narcissus forms the basis of the painting that I cut and paste into this Time magazine cover.  Prints only.  The original painting of Trump a la Narcissus is for sale-  go to

If image is not sharp, try enlarging it.  

Trumpcissus (Trump on Time Cover)

Digital painting

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