Photos from Florence

September 28, 2014


Just spent three days in Florence.  Here are some photos of the town.  The overviews are from the Michelangelo Plaza.


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18 thoughts on “Photos from Florence”

  1. Hey Gary and Peg
    Beautiful! According to friends, this is the place to live but its too expensive. How does transportation, costs, compare to Roma? Would you and Peg consider Florence as a long term stop? Miss you both!

    • Well we would not consider it very much. It is very crowded in the decent weather. It is cold in the winter and hot in the summer. Very expensive in the downtown area, which is the only area of interest I know of. Transport is not expensive. I have no idea what rents are like. abracci!

  2. Hey Gary and Peg
    Beautiful! According to friends, this is the place to live but its too expensive. How does transportation, costs, compare to Roma? Would you and Peg consider Florence as a long term stop? Miss you both!

    • Well we would not consider it very much. It is very crowded in the decent weather. It is cold in the winter and hot in the summer. Very expensive in the downtown area, which is the only area of interest I know of. Transport is not expensive. I have no idea what rents are like. abracci!

  3. Just looked at these photos. Veddy nice!I definitely want to return there sometime, and to investigate Fiesole and the Etruscan stuff north of the town. Plus revisit the Uffizi, whose Greek sculpture collection finally made a sculpture admirer out of me (Greek sculptures, anyway).

  4. Just looked at these photos. Veddy nice!I definitely want to return there sometime, and to investigate Fiesole and the Etruscan stuff north of the town. Plus revisit the Uffizi, whose Greek sculpture collection finally made a sculpture admirer out of me (Greek sculptures, anyway).


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