Gary J. Kirkpatrick, Artist

Welcome to my art and travel blog.

Exploring the the world of artistic expression, searching for new ways to contribute to the dialogue that began 50,000 years ago by artists painting in caves.

By the Sea

At a Restaurant, (ode to Hopper)
At a Restaurant

I have coined the term “Symbolic Expressionism,” to categorize most of my paintings. There are abstract and realistic elements in the paintings. Both the Edward Hopper inspired series and Van Gogh’s World are in this style. The Amor series is more straight forwardly expressionistic. The Poland and the Netherlands and other watercolors are from travels, and are generally more realistic.

Vailly-sur-Aisne, France
Valley sur Aisne, from our summer on the canals of France

Paintings can be purchased directly from me or via Saatachi Art. Purchase information

Please join my mailing list for updates. You can do so at the bottom of the page.

Pianist and Singer II

I live in and still travel extensively in Europe, including on my own boat. The blog section mostly covers these travels.

For art: Art. For travel posts: Travel blog

Paintings, watercolors and figure drawings of 2024

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